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Putting PR at the heart of a global kindness movement

Sector: Projects

V Formation’s PR team worked with businesswoman and entrepreneur Dani Saveker to raise awareness of her worldwide ‘Inspire Kindness Movement’, created and launched to mark the 1000th consecutive day of her own ‘random acts of kindness’ campaign.

Dani is the Global CEO of the GLAS Group, an organisation she founded to help give structure to family businesses, corporate teams, entrepreneurs and individuals.

She believes that kindness is one of the greatest skills a successful business leader can have and develop – a principle she has followed throughout her career, but especially with a ‘random act of kindness’ every day for 1000 consecutive days.

Dani Saveker, Inspire Kindness Movement

The journey started as part of building the GLAS framework and began with Dani’s first act of kindness on the 1st January 2016 as an experiment to explore kindness and the impact of kind acts in society, including mental health and wellbeing.

Reaching 1000 days of kindness represented more than a personal milestone for Dani – she wanted to inspire others to take-up her random acts of kindness concept, so developed the idea of a global ‘Inspire Kindness Movement’ and an ‘Inspire Kindness Kit’ both of which were to be launched to coincide with her 1000th day of kindnesses.

Creating the PR campaign

V Formation worked with Dani to develop a set of key messages about the 1000 acts of kindness campaign, the global Inspire Kindness Movement and its supporting collateral. Alongside, we identified the potential audience for the Inspire Kindness Movement and created a suite of press stories for each of the national, local and regional press, and specialist business and HR media, and provided advice on the campaign imagery and timings.

It was important to Dani that the PR focused on the importance of being kind, how and why kindness is a vital characteristic for today’s business leaders and managers, and the physical and mental benefits an act of kindness can deliver, based very much on her experiences over the 1000 days.

Ahead of the 1000th day we talked to our key media contacts with the angle and messages most likely to resonate with them and their readers, and consequently set-up interviews for Dani with a number of journalists.

On the 1000th day in September, the mini campaign generated coverage by a number of on and offline media and websites, including Huffington Post, global business news websites Compelo and Thrive Global, as well as radio interviews and local press coverage.

Of the PR project and working with V Formation’s Diane Wood, Dani said: “I’ve worked with Diane for a number of years in my past two businesses and so when I needed some support for my most recent project I knew who to turn to. Unlike my past requirements, this was far more personal and I had a concern that promoting the 1000 days of kindness had the potential to overly focus on me rather than ‘inspiring kindness’ and raising the importance of being kinder. Diane was able to get under the skin of this and beautifully crafted a campaign with the right tone and focus.”

Find out more:

Follow Dani Saveker on Twitter @DaniSaveker

Social media hashtags #inspirekindness #kindness1000

Inspire Kindness community on Facebook

Website – https://kindness.glas.life/buy-your-inspire-kindness-starter-kit/

For advice or assistance with getting your initiative into the press, contact V Formation’s PR experts on 0115 667 0131 or drop us a line here.

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